It's been a while!
I'm making cookies now!
The first batch is Cornflake Oatmeal Chocolate Chip. There is a crunchy version where the outer rim is crispy and the middle is softer and chewy. There is a softer version that has a very similar flavor, but the mouth feel is more cakey. They are both my delicious children and I cannot choose a favorite. Crispy!

First you gotta powder half the flakes and most of the oats.

And then you give them a good wangjangle and you bake them.

And then you soften up the batter with a little leche love.

And yesterday one of my best friends came over for lunch and brought these beauties.

And the Ghost Horse of Dead Horse Beach made the water tower crooked.

And then a bunny!

And then a squirrel! Say hi Cherry!

All of this was mostly to say. I'm healthier and doing fine after all that cancer garbage.
Hello again.